[Hlavní strana] [Krajský úřad] [Kalendář akcí] [Kontakt] [Pro registrované]

Návrat na hlavní stranu

Středočeský kraj

THE BUILDING OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITY IN BENEŠOV [ Účetní a ekonomické služby a poradenství ]

The Former Seat of the District Council and the Bank

In 1996, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic suggested that the building should be proclaimed as a national heritage site.

The author of the project was an accomplished Czech Architect, a student of Professor Kotěra, Otakar Novotný. The author of the relief at the front of the building is B. Stefan. After the Second World War, the building was a seat of the Czechoslovak State Bank. This is a brick corner building with floors and a strictly symmetrical main entrance facade. This high-quality functionalistic building was built by architect Novotný in 1928. The interior is a masterpiece interior design in a limited space. The Central Hall, two storeys high, has an office balcony along side which is illuminated through etched glassed partitions. The upper floor offices are accessible from a curvilinear proportionally designed staircase. Most original interior features such as floor tiles, partitions, marble tiles, doors and iron work have been maintained.

The building underwent complete refurbishment between 1997 and 1998.


AKTUALIZACE: Václav Pošmurný (TO 03) org. 2, 20.11.2005 v 11:59 hodin

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